Tuesday, September 13, 2011

India Cricketers have Swiss Bank accounts!!!

I was surfing net today and found an explosive revelation that former Swiss banker employer Rudolf Elmer has said that even some of the Indian cricketers and filmstars hold secret accounts. While refusing to give out names of tax evaders , Elmer accused the Indian government of not doing enough on the blackmoney front. In his first interview after being released from jail, Elmer declined to reveal names of "politicians, cricketers and filmstars". He said it's "all about approach", saying if the Indian government was at all serious about bringing back black money Elmer cited the example of the US which had succeeded in getting the list of tax evading Americans who held accounts in tax havens. "The government is not committed. I think society has to put pressure on the Indian government to act. India is a big country, which is getting stronger by the day. It has the negotiating power" Saying he can't give names because "I'll in serious problem. I can't give a date, but it will happen sometime". He added that Indian government was not doing enough to bring it back to India. Arpit Goel thinks that the reason behind the way he said that he knows but he wont reveal seems to be the political influence of Indian leaders and some bureaucrats. He was a bit afraid of something but i dont know what it was. What do you think of it? Yuvraj, Kapil, Sunil, Sachin, Ganguly, Azaharuddin, Jadeja, Navjot Siddhu, Nehra to name a few here having black money in Swiss banks... Who knows???